I somehow stumbled across the work of a THREE owner that goes by the name PAYO on YouTube. His channel contains some fun and informative videos of the THREE scanner being used in various ways that...
I somehow stumbled across the work of a THREE owner that goes by the name PAYO on YouTube. His channel contains some fun and informative videos of the THREE scanner being used in various ways that...
From a UI standpoint, what could be helpful here is a sectioned view so that you can hide or mask an area behind (or in front of) a certain cutting plane. If that can be made to be dyn...
Hi Justin!Thanks for the feedback. These are some great suggestions that I've passed on to the dev team. We hadn't really considered how to do deal with stray points that are mostly enclosed; these...
I've been using the Three a bit recently and I've found it actually captures some black objects, which I was not expecting. Due to how cranked all the exposure and brightness settings are, there is...
@Drew Shark I just saw the latest update! Thank you so so much for that copy scan feature! Looking forward to testing it out 😁
Hi all, Update 10 is out with some major features. Since 8.2, we've made some massive improvements and bug fixes. - Turntable fixes and improvments.- Texturing improvements, including fast...
Just a quick update: I'm still alive, but life stuff happened and I had to step away from my scanning endeavors. Hoping I can get back to this in a couple months!
@Alex Berezowsky Thank you. I will do a new scan tomorrow and send you all the files. Regards
Hi Giancarlo,Could you please sent the project file and the MFStudio logs to support@matterandform.net? While I think I understand what you are describing we will need more than screenshots to prop...
Hi, I have not used the scanner for a long time so after running the calibration process I have run my scan but I'm getting an unscanned area on the top of my object. It is not a object iss...
Hi Travis - Drew asking me to pass on some answers to your questions."Has this been used in a large industrial/manufacturing environment?" - Not specifically, but similar setups yes. "I...
In looking at some reviews and understanding better how the scanner is measuring. Has this been used in a large industrial/manufacturing environment? I wanted to use our large pallet wrapper as my ...
Well this is awesome. I think we will be purchasing a unit soon for T&E. Thanks!
Hi Travis, surprisingly enough, this is a feature that we're releasing either this week or next! It's also available via the API. The feature does essentially exactly what you're describing...
I am a manufacturing engineer in sheet metal. Looking for a solution to scan finished parts and compare to CAD or previous scanned part to find missing hardware and other features out of spec is th...
Hi Joseph, Great question.If you want a rule of thumb for accuracy, then it should be the closer the better. But I will caveat this with the fact that most scans do not need the best ac...
Is there a rough rule of thumb we should be following in terms of achieving the best positional accuracy? I'm guessing that you get the best result when the project and camera focus are at th...
Hi Brandon, The CaptureImage task is now publicly accessable, so you can capture single images with the Python library or through the API. Update your THREE software and you'll have it.
Hi Brandon, Apologies! The Python library has been made public now. The single image capture is being added to the V3Schema (API) and will be available soon. Thank you for the reminder. &n...
On the topic of point noise - in the camera settings you should favour Exposure over Gain. In your screenshot, I would try the next level up on Exposure, and reduce the Gain. Gain introduces ...